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Gplshop’s Data Protection Policy
How do we handle your personal information?
Gplshop uses your personal information in order to be able to offer our products and services. We gather no more of your personal information than we need. We do not sell your information onward to third parties. In this data protection policy, we go through and explain how we collect and use your personal information. When you order products through us, you approve our data protection policy. We will also describe your rights. It is important that you read through our data protection policy before placing an order with us. Contact us if you have any
What information do we gather?
We gather information about you as a private person or your company when you place an order with us, or when you contact us via form, e-mail, telephone, social media or letter.
The information that we gather may be:
• Personal and contact information
• Name/company name
• Corporate/personal ID numbers
• Address information
• E-mail address/telephone number
• Delivery information
• Invoicing address
• Invoicing info
• Other payment information
• Financial information
• Department information
• Geographical information
What do we do with the information?
Your data are used to send out advertising in the form of e-mail and postal dispatches, if you use our service “collection at store” or workshop services, we will send out information or contact you via telephone if your machine or product, for example, when it is ready for collection.
Will we sell information about you to third parties?
We will not sell your personal information onward to third parties. We may need to share your information with providers of services to Gplshop in order for us to be able fulfil our obligations toward you. We comply with the technical and legal requirements for your personal information to be processed safely.
Examples of companies with which we may share your information:
• Suppliers of products that offer guarantees
• Credit report companies
• Official authorities
• Others
Within which geographical zones do we process your personal information?
We always strive for your data to be processed within the EU/EEA.
How long do we save your personal data?
We save your data as long as it is necessary to fulfil our
What are your rights?
• You may request a copy of the information we have about you.
• You are entitled to correct incorrect information about yourself.
• You have the right to be removed*
*There are legal obligations for Gplshop that prevent us from immediately erasing a part of your
data. This obligations come inter alia from accounting and
tax legislation, banking and money laundering legislation.
Within Gplshop there are the following sales channels
Construction shop
Lawn mower store
Chain saw store
Forestry and garden store
How do we handle your personal information?
Gplshop uses your personal information in order to be able to offer our products and services. We gather no more of your personal information than we need. We do not sell your information onward to third parties. In this data protection policy, we go through and explain how we collect and use your personal information. When you order products through us, you approve our data protection policy. We will also describe your rights. It is important that you read through our data protection policy before placing an order with us. Contact us if you have any
What information do we gather?
We gather information about you as a private person or your company when you place an order with us, or when you contact us via form, e-mail, telephone, social media or letter.
The information that we gather may be:
• Personal and contact information
• Name/company name
• Corporate/personal ID numbers
• Address information
• E-mail address/telephone number
• Delivery information
• Invoicing address
• Invoicing info
• Other payment information
• Financial information
• Department information
• Geographical information
What do we do with the information?
Your data are used to send out advertising in the form of e-mail and postal dispatches, if you use our service “collection at store” or workshop services, we will send out information or contact you via telephone if your machine or product, for example, when it is ready for collection.
Will we sell information about you to third parties?
We will not sell your personal information onward to third parties. We may need to share your information with providers of services to Gplshop in order for us to be able fulfil our obligations toward you. We comply with the technical and legal requirements for your personal information to be processed safely.
Examples of companies with which we may share your information:
• Suppliers of products that offer guarantees
• Credit report companies
• Official authorities
• Others
Within which geographical zones do we process your personal information?
We always strive for your data to be processed within the EU/EEA.
How long do we save your personal data?
We save your data as long as it is necessary to fulfil our
What are your rights?
• You may request a copy of the information we have about you.
• You are entitled to correct incorrect information about yourself.
• You have the right to be removed*
*There are legal obligations for Gplshop that prevent us from immediately erasing a part of your
data. This obligations come inter alia from accounting and
tax legislation, banking and money laundering legislation.
Within Gplshop there are the following sales channels
Construction shop
Lawn mower store
Chain saw store
Forestry and garden store