Terrängkit till Husqvarna Automower för att hjälpa till i sluttningar

Terrain kit for Husqvarna Automower®

Does your Husqvarna Automower® have trouble with traction on slopes or when the lawn is wet? A slipping robotic lawnmower can cause ugly tracks in the lawn, and sometimes the mower gets stuck because it can't move forward. A terrain kit can help your Automower® get better traction with heavily patterned drive wheels that provide up to 6% better slope capacity. The terrain kit also includes wheel brushes that keep the drive wheels clean from grass residues and leaves that could otherwise get stuck on the tires.
Terrain kit Automower 310,315,315X
€101.11 €109.90
In stock
Terrain kit Automower 320/330X/420/430X/450X
€109.39 €118.90
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Terrain kit Automower NERA
€117.67 €127.90
In stock
Terrain Wheel Kit Gardena Sileno
€33.94 €36.89
In stock
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