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HusqvarnaLB 146i Battery Lawn Mower + BLi20 & QC80
€664.90 /
- Information
Light-weighted and efficient battery mower with durable composite deck designed for great mulching performance. This hassel-free and intuitive push mower features an ergonomically designed handlebar and is easy to manouevre due to it's light weight and compact deck. Compatible with Husqvarna BLi-batteries system.
Lifting handle front and rear
Easy grip in front and rear for lifting into storage, the car or carrying up the basement stairs.
Easy foldble handle bar
Easily fold the handle to minimize space required for storing and transportation.
2-point height adjustment for easy handling
2-point hieght adjustment
- Specifications
- Files
Price history
Price history
Our lowest price 30 days: €451.92